What is medical physics?


Medical physics has come a long way in a short amount of time and has become a regular part of practicing medicine. At Team Net Medical, we are passionate about providing medical physics services to our clients so they can treat their patients. If you’re not familiar with the field of medical physics or how it’s been applied to the medical field, keep reading for more information.

What is medical physics?

The field of medical physics is the use of radiation to perform medical treatment and imaging. The process involves the application of physics to the medical industry in a way that is beneficial in diagnosis or treating certain conditions that go beyond basic medical care. We use medical physics by applying the right solutions according to the unique needs of each patient.

What does medical physics include?

Medical physics is a diverse field within the healthcare industry that uses radiation for a variety of medical services. Radiation for cancer treatment has been finely tuned with the help of medical physicists and the work that they have put in over many years of research.

Additionally, imaging has made it possible to properly diagnose broken bones, internal maladies, and even image the brain with the help of various types of radiology. The application of physics has made all these things possible.

Nuclear medicine is another aspect of medical physics that can be utilized to treat patients. The use of diagnostic methods like a barium swallow to diagnose esophageal issues and other applications of radioactive materials provide a significant boost in the ability to diagnose with imaging. With the help of radiopharmaceuticals, professionals can provide a unique therapy for patients.

How has medical physics changed the world of medicine?

Over the course of hundreds of years, medical practitioners had to rely on their knowledge of the human body, ancient techniques of setting bones, and the practice of humoral theory to provide medical care.

Medical physics introduced an entirely new aspect of medical care by allowing providers to get a look inside the body of a patient without performing unnecessary surgeries or using bloodletting. Over the course of 125 years, medical physics has come light years to what we have today. CT, MRI, and radiation treatment are now used on an everyday basis within the medical world.

Is medical physics the same as biophysics?

In short, no, medical physics and biophysics are not the same. In fact, really the only way that they’re even similar is in that they both are involved with providing medical care. Biophysics studies the biological systems and the physical principles involved. This includes the movement of muscles with bones as well as chemical interactions that take place at the cellular level. In contrast, medical physics is the practical application of imaging, oncology treatment, and nuclear medicine.

Get in touch for more information

If you’d like to learn more about medical physics and how Team Net Medical can help your team, reach out to our team today. We provide medical professionals with the services they need to treat patients to the best of their ability. Give our team a call today at 540-779-7601 or send a message with your inquiry via our online contact form. If you’d prefer, you can also send an email directly at admin@teamnetmedical.com. We look forward to hearing from you and coming up with a plan to help you treat your patients.