Guide to Medical Dosimetry Services


Medical dosimetry services are an essential part of your oncology team. Dosimetrists work alongside doctors and therapists to ensure patients receive effective, powerful treatment with minimal side effects. Medical dosimetrists also practice strict quality assurance–particularly concerning background levels of radiation. Working with skilled medical physicists, your facility can provide potent, effective radiation therapy and a safe working environment for staff.

Medical dosimetry is one of the medical physicist services we provide at Team Net Medical. We’ve made this quick guide to assist you in developing a more thorough understanding of how we can benefit your department.

Read on to learn more.

How medical dosimetry services work

Our dosimetrists work alongside your oncology department team to ensure you’re administering the most clinically effective dose possible with minimal effect on the patient’s healthy organs. We use the industry’s most advanced technology and innovative procedures to provide advanced dosimetry across the country.

When oncologists prescribe radiation treatment to their patients, it’s dosimetrists who develop treatment plans, using complex physics and 3D imaging to target the tumor while avoiding healthy organs. Team Net Medical’s medical dosimetry services include onsite and remote treatment plans for patients across the nation. Our flexible contract service allows you to get the support you need from skilled medical physicists without expanding your oncology department staff.

Responsibilities of a dosimetrist on-site

Dosimetrists use different types of radiation to treat tumors in the body, depending on the size, location, and surrounding organs. Dosimetrists typically specialize in one kind of radiation therapy, including:

  • Photon external beam radiation therapy: a linear accelerator uses high-energy x-rays to treat tumors.
  • Proton external beam radiation therapy: a particle accelerator uses high-energy proton beams to treat tumors.
  • Brachytherapy: doctors place a radioactive source inside or next to the tumor, either temporarily or permanently.
  • Biological irradiators: a low energy x-ray that attenuates inside the tumor for position-sensitive treatment of tumors.

Team Net Medical dosimetrists work alongside your oncology team to develop unique treatments dependent on the tumor and patient. They’ll determine the beam position, size, and shape for the oncologist’s approval.

During treatment, they’ll work on-site to implement beam modification devices and field arrangements, take radiation measurements, perform quality assurance, and provide technical support. Our medical physicists ensure your department delivers exceptional patient care while keeping staff safe.

How Team Net Medical provides medical dosimetry services

Dosimetry support from Team Net Medical is always customized to fit your cancer center’s needs and patient load. Our dosimetrists have extensive and wide-ranging experience with safety standards, different regulations, and the newest technology. They’re experts in standard workflow aspects, including CT, Linac, TPS, Record and Verify Systems, and QA.

Our medical physicists specialize in dosimetry for biological irradiators, which differs from traditional dosimetry:

  • Half-value layer measurements
  • Absolute dose solid measurement in air and water
  • Timer linearity
  • Output dependence on field size and source-to-sample distance

We’ve performed these services across the country, as well as for the National Institute of Health. All our dosimetrists, along with the rest of our highly efficient and experienced staff, are hired only after passing our strict standards for competence, dedication, and a caring attitude.

Contact us for medical dosimetry services

Team Net Medical ensures your patients get the most effective radiation treatment possible, using the industry’s most advanced technology and processes. Staff to your patient load with our flexible contract service. We’re dedicated to helping oncology departments across the country provide superior treatment while ensuring patient and staff safety.

Reach out to learn more about our dosimetry services and how our medical physicist team can help you to provide more effective treatment and a safer work environment.